Every fairy tale has a beginning, and ours started over 10 years ago.


Gus and Zoo arrived at Koh Chang. They were searching for a less stressful life, with more joy and music, away from the busy city. They found our beach Had Sai Noi (translated «small beach») through a friend, and quickly decided to settle. Two years later, Norwegian Christine came backpacking through. She fell in love, not just with Zoo, but also with the island and especially Bang Bao village.


For five years the three of us lived on the beach, building our house step by step when we had some money left. Then Zoo and Christine got a daughter in 2014/2015 and decided to leave for Norway. The house, we thought, we could rent out on Airbnb. But never in our lives would we have guessed just how popular it would become! We quickly realized that this could be the beginning of something bigger. And so one year later, we were back, building our very first bungalow:

Indie Beach was born!

indie beach koh chang thailand had sai noi

Today the place is run like a homestay, with the beach bar as our natural meeting point, starting with breakfast in the morning.

The boys are still passionate about music, and their reggae band Jah Jah Land plays at the beach bar every Monday night. Christine has found her love in yoga, meditation, sustainable living and healthy, fresh foods and smoothies. 

No wonder we are all so certain this will be our “happily forever after”!